Well that was a wait and a half! I now know that once you hit the publish button it can take up to 72 hours for your book to go live!
Very excitingly, it is now however live and you can buy it straight from Amazon https://amzn.to/3j0R8HJ I have set it at an introductory price of £4.99 for the first month. It will go up to £5.99 after the 25th October.
I have just ordered some author copies, so if you fancy waiting for another week or so you can buy straight from the website. What a great journey I have had creating this resource. I do hope that you enjoy using it as much as I do. It is a nightly thing (and sometimes morning) for myself and I feel so much better when I journal regularly. I would love to know your top tips if you use a journal too.
I would love to get some reviews on amazon or sent direct to myself for here (it helps soooo much!) So if you do buy it (especially if you go through amazon) I will be really grateful if you take the time to leave a quick review. It is how the amazon algorithm knows that the product is any good and will recommend more to others the more reviews it gets.