Recently I had the opportunity to attend some workshops run by Cairngorms Writer in Residence, Merryn Glover. What a great excuse to spend some evenings surrounding myself with other writers.
From the start Merryn immersed us in thinking about nature and how the Cairngorms played a part in our writing. She gave us prompts, read to us from some inspiring books and generally encouraged us to write with abandon and edit later. There were some fantastic pieces that were written and read out by fellow attendees over the sessions.
One of the biggest things that we were encouraged to do was to get our writing out in front of others. Blogs being one of the methods that she chatted about. It has given me the impetus to eventually get myself organised with an author page and get writing on a regular basis.
Merryn will be running workshops all over the Cairngorms National Park area this year, if you are interested her contact details are here and you can find Merryn's blog piece on the first workshop here I thoroughly enjoyed the sessions that I attended and would happily sign up for more later in the year.
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